Queue management system for universities

The timeacle system helps you to keep student visits to your administration office as pleasant and short as possible.

Universities Universities

Time management as first priority

The biggest priority as a student is to manage time. You as a university, can help your students to achieve that. We understand the importance of bureaucratic matters and timeacle takes care of all the waiting time of it!

Opposites attract

Even though you can’t always plan your availability for the next weeks and months, timeacle ensures that your students can. Provide a transparent overview of the waiting times and allow your students to arrive punctually to their appointments.


Data protection as a priority

Even though timeacle might require personal information for online bookings, all data is automatically deleted after 24 hours – your students don’t have to take care of it.

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Optimization of time management

Allow your students to have a clear overview of their waiting times, allowing them to make the best of their time. The key is to have transparency as base for future planning.